Thursday, 18 April 2013

12 APR 13 Lecture 1

In this lecture, I was attracted by the Principle of Islamic Architecture and the pillars of Islam. Each of the key beliefs will contextualise and shed light on the visible and invisible nature of both the Islamic belief discussed and its corresponding architectural principle. 

1. Architecture as Tawhid: Unity & Uniquity of Allah)
2. Architecture of Ihtiram: Respect
3. Architecture with Ikhlas: Sincerity
4. Architecture as Pursuit of ‘Ilm: Knowledge
5. Architecture for Iqtisad: Balance
6. Architecture of Haya’: Modesty
7. Architecture as Dikr: Remembrance.

The five pillars of Islam define the basic identity of Muslims - their faith, beliefs and practices - and bind together a worldwide community of believers into a fellowship of shared values and concerns.

Pillars of Islam Include: 
1. Shahada: Faith
- Expresses a Muslim's complete acceptance of and total commitment to Islam.
2. Salah: Prayer
- Recommended that Muslims perform salah in a mosque.
3. Zakat: Almsgiving
 Welfare of the entire community and in particular for its neediest members.
4. Sawm: Fasting
- An act of deep personal worship in which Muslims seek a richer perception of God.
5. Hajj: Pilgrimage to Makkah
-Tthe most significant manifestation of Islamic faith and unity in the world. In performing the Hajj, a pilgrim follows the order of ritual that the Prophet Muhammad performed during his last pilgrimage.

Architecture is about design based on the need of people. However Islamic architecture's intention is built for god and letting god accept your creation.

Furthermore, for project 1 there's few building that I have researched for case study which is 

Al-Hakim Mosque, Cairo, Egypt: Fatimid

Al-HakimAlHakim biAmr Allah Mosque in Cairo

Northwestern facade: Themosque extends along al-Muizz Street.
Centre facade: A projecting monumental portal composed of two squat towers that flank the entrance to themosque. 
Entrance: Ornamented by recessed panels filled with bands of decorative motifs, and kufic in scriptions.
Decorative style introduced by the Fatimids and originated in North Africa. 
The projecting portal has one of the oldest architectural style that had appeared before in the Mahdiyya GreatMosquein Tunisia (AH 308 / AD 921).

Al-Rifa'i Mosque, Cairo, Egypt : Mamaluks Advance Classic

Built Area: 75,350 sqf.
Designed by: Mustapha Fahmi 
Achitecture Style: Bahri Mamaluks style
The Refa'i Mosque faces the Sultan Hassan Mosque and is named after a Muslin holy man, Shekh Ali Abu El-Shoubak who is buried here. 
Year Completed: 1912 by Max Herz Pasha and was constructed at the order of Khoushiar, mother of the Khedive Ismail. The mosque also became the Royal Crypt of Egypt's last dynasty. It was built on the former site of the Sheikh ar-Rifa'i zawia.

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